Navigate change with less stress and more ease.

Navigating change can feel necessary, exciting, and exhilarating!
It can also feel nerve-wracking, uncomfortable, and terrifying.
It can be each of these things, one at a time. Or it can be all of them, all at once.

I get it.

And these sensations are all NORMAL in the face of change!

If you are feeling stuck, you are uncertain about how to make a tough decision,
or you have no idea what to do next

I can help.

I'd love to talk with you.

Book an exploratory conversation

My approach

There is no pre-determined curriculum.
YOU are my focus. My coaching is tailored to you and your vision and goals.

Young professional Indian woman speaking to coach

First, we get curious.

We'll start with a deep dive conversation to give me a sense of who you are, your vision, and what you want.

Then, we learn.

We’ll hone in on what makes you unique, what challenges you, what gives you energy, and more. From those insights, together we'll design your unique path forward and the stepping stones that will lead you towards your vision.

And, at each step along the way, you take action.

From our very first conversation, you will put what you are learning into practice and begin to take steps towards your vision.

Is coaching right for you?

You are creative, resourceful, and fully capable of navigating all of the changes and transitions in your life. How do I know? Because You. Are. Here. You have already navigated numerous changes and transitions.
And, sometimes we can get a little lost. And at those times, having a curious, impartial, and non-judgemental thinking partner to support you on the journey is incredibly powerful.

AND, you must be willing to be curious, open to different ways of seeing, and willing to try new things.

Coaching can be full of learning, empowering, challenging, and rewarding. You will learn and grow in many ways, if you allow yourself to.

  • Full of learning because as we start to explore your dreams, experiences, beliefs, and more, you will make new discoveries about yourself, your relationships, your surroundings, and your experiences.
  • Empowering because you will see how even making small changes can have big impacts.
  • Challenging because it is not always easy to acknowledge and name the things that are getting in your way.
  • Rewarding because the insights you'll gain will help you engage in your work, relationships, personal life, and well-being in new and different ways that have positive impacts far beyond your expectations.

Invest in yourself.

I'd love to talk with you.